Deledao’s extension can easily be deployed to Chromebooks. Please follow the steps provided below.

Deledao Admin Console Setup

  • Go to  and log in.
  • Go to Configuration tab located at the top and set up your school name and time zone.
  • Go to the Identity Provider tab on the left hand side, select GSuite and add your GSuite account. The Google admin account used to sync up directory should have the following permissions for both Google admin console and API access:
    • OU Read
    • User Read
    • Group Read

GSuite Admin Console Extension Deployment

  • Configure one's firewall and other filtering products to allow traffic to and from * and *
  • Log into G Suite admin console at as an administrator.
  • Select the menu at the top-left corner. Click on Devices > Chrome > Apps & extensions > Users & browsers.
  • Select the top OU or sub-OU to deploy the extension.
  • Click the yellow plus sign at the bottom right corner and select the second icon from the top.


  • Please email [email protected] to obtain the Extension ID and URL required to activate Deledao's filters. We will get back to you shortly after confirming your school's registration ID with Deledao.
  • Select “From a custom URL” from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the URL given after your request to [email protected].
  • Click SAVE.


  • Change installation policy to “Force install” for the Deledao extension whose ID is “feah…”.

  • Click SAVE button located at the top right area of the screen.


One can check that on one's Chromebook Chrome browser that the Deledao icon appears in the upper right corner next to the search bar.

For testing Deledao's filters, it is recommended to disable other filtering software to see how Deledao's filters are working. If using Securly simultaneously, Deledao's filters will act as the last line of defense. 

Google Doc Permissions

In order for Deledao to filter the contents in Google Docs, it is required to enable Drive SDK API and allow Deledao to access Google Drive data.

Enable Drive SDK API

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Apps > Google Workspace > Settings for Drive and Docs > Features and Applications

3. Go to "Drive SDK" and click "Edit" button

4. Select option "Allow users to access Google Drive with the Drive SDK API"

5. Click "Save"

Grant Deledao Access to Google Drive Data

1. Go to "Security > Access and data control > API controls" and open "Domain-wide delegation".

2. Click "Add New", and enter the following;

  • In the "Client ID" field enter "102414137000641598412"

Add Deledao as a Trusted 3rd Party App

Google requires IT admins to trust some 3rd party apps, otherwise, some errors will pop up. Please add Deledao as a trusted app:

  • Click on "Manage Google Services", and set "Google Workspace Admin" to be "Unrestricted"

  • Click Manage Third-party App Access:

  • Add app by client ID, search for "Deledao", and grant "Trusted" status:

Enable force-installed manifest v2 extension 

  1. Sign in to
  2. On the left-hand panel, go to Devices > Chrome > Settings > User and Browser Settings Apps & extensions
  3. In the OU selector, select any OUs with the Deledao extension deployed
  4. Scroll down to “Manifest V2 extension availability”, or search for "manifest"
  5. Under “Configuration,” change “Default Browser Behavior” to “Enable manifest v2 extensions”
  6. Click “Save” 

© Deledao Education