Users can create a directory for guardians and customize invitation emails asking them to  sign up for the parent portal. 

Directory Management

The "Directory Management" tab will show the relationship between students and guardians. Users can search for individual students, guardians or OUs. User can also see Parent's invitation statuses, where parents have been subscribed, unsubscribed, or still waiting for an invitation. 

The student-guardian pairings can be imported in either of the two: 

  1. Manually adding Student Email, Guardian Name, and Guardian Email by clicking the “add” button. 
  2. Importing the directory from a CSV file, which is typically generated by your Student              Information System. 

The first line of the CSV file must be StudentEmail,ParentEmail,ParentName“. 

The newly created student-guardian guardian will have the status “unsubscribed”.

Inviting Guardians

It may be a good idea to send an email to inform all the guardians that one will be inviting to Deledao Parent Portal a few days prior about their receiving a Deledao Parent Portal email invitation to remind them to add [email protected] to their address book, or look for such invitation emails in their spam folders if necessary. You may also want to save this instruction sheet on how parents can accept the invitations as a PDF file and include it in this email. 

To send an invitation to the guardian click the box next to their name to check it and select "Send Invitation Email".  After sending the invitation email, their status will change to “invitation sent”.  Once a guardian has accpted the invitation, their status will change to "subscribed".

Customize Invitation Email

Users have the ability to modify the email template as you see fit (e.g. adding your contact information in case parents have questions, etc). Please make sure the modified template still has the words “ParentName” and “SignUpLink”, which will be replaced with the parents’ real information when sent out. 

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