
Deledao’s student wellness feature monitors students’ website visits and email activities to detect various digital wellness issues, including: 

  • Suicide and self-harm tendencies
  • Cyberbully
  • Toxic languages

Once enabled, schools can: 

  • Set up personnel to receive real-time wellness email alerts. 
  • Investigate and flag students having wellness issues.

Alert Levels

Wellness issues are detected by AI based on students’ internet activities, and the flagged alerts are divided into 3 levels: 

  • Highactivities falling into the categories of violence, self-harm, suicide, and hate.
  • Medium: activities falling into the categories of cyberbully, harassment, and sexually explicit content. 
  • Lowactivities falling into the categories of anxiety and depression. 

Student Wellness Settings

Student wellness alerts can be enabled by going to the Admin Console > Student Wellness > Settings and turn on Enable student wellness detection”. Once enabled, Admin can also turn wellness alerts on or off for each policy (e.g. disable wellness detection for teachers). 

Please note that if specific search engines are added to a student's Policy Rule allow list, Student Wellness categorized search results and webpages accessed from those search engines will not trigger email notification: those websites will appear in the "Reports" tab with an indication of what type of Student Wellness category the site falls under.

Admin can decide whether school or parents will receive wellness alerts and also when to send the alerts. 

Parents can receive reports as long as they are listed in the Parent Portal directory management. This can be done either by importing a guardian directory or by inviting parents to the Parent Portal. 

Please see the following two articles about how to invite Parents to the Parent Portal:

How to Invite Parents to Use the Parent Portal 

How Parents Can Accept Parent Portal Invitations

Students identifying information can be removed from wellness alerts by enabling "Omit sensitive information from wellness alerts".


Alert Recipients

Admin users can delegate different users to handle student wellness alerts for different OUs. 

Recipients can be added by clicking the 'Add school recipient for alerts' button in the top right.  An alert recipient can be configured to see certain risk levels, OU's, the ability add notes and clear alerts.  Recipients can also be configured to receive text message alerts and specify the category of alerts to be received.  

If the identity provider is Office365, recipients can be configured to receive alerts by groups.

With the “Clear alerts” enabled the recipient can log into Deledao’s Teacher Portal to investigate alerts for the recipient's assigned OU(s). 

  • There's a link to the Teacher Portal in the alert email so that teachers can easily switch to the Teacher Portal to view the details.

  • Below is a sample of the alert email: 

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