Creating Rules

Deledao Education allows a user to create a rule applying to the parent OU, then all sub OUs will get the same rule automatically.

To create a rule go to your Admin Console > Policy Manager.

The default rule will be triggered when all other rules fail to match.

  • Click '+ Add New Rule' to create a new rule. Enter a Rule Name. Choose your "Conditions" for that rule.

  • Next choose what 'Policies' will be applied to that rule.  Policies will tell the AI technology how to filter the browser session.  
  • Foul words to be blacked out.  A default list has been compiled and can be added to the list by clicking the “Add default List” button.

Policy Templates

  • Templates can be added to rules for special occasions when a user needs to allow or block certain categories or URL's.  With the "Policy template"  enabled the policy will override the rule.
  • When creating a template you are able to choose what categories to be filtered and the ability to add URL's to the blocked or allowed list.
  • Allowed list in rule can override blocked list of policy template if that option is enabled
  • To allow ads for certain sites, add the URL to the "Allow ads for these sites (e.g. for compatibility)" box 
  • Check the 'Filtering Categories' on the categories to be filtered.     

NOTE: If a “Filter Category” is not selected, then that category will not be filtered

Real Time Analysis

  • When "Restrictive mode" is enabled, images will all be blurred first and unblurred when they are confirmed to be safe. 
  1. When "Restrictive mode" is enabled, a switch "Modesty mode" will show.
  2. When "Modesty mode" is enabled, images with immodest clothing will be blurred.

Add URL's to the "Blocked List" and "Allowed List"

Our blocked list and allowed list offer you great flexibility in adding exceptions in your policy. In addition to host and domain names, URLs are also accepted. Below are some examples.

  • The wildcard * is usually not necessary as we automatically match the webpages hosted under the hostname or URL. For instance, "" would match every webpage on However, it won't match
  • "" would match every webpage in the domain, including and
  • "" would match every sub-webpage of (e.g., including itself.
  • "*" can be used in hostnames. Each * would match exactly a component in the hostname between the dots. For instance, "*" would match, but not

  • Press "Save" in the upper right hand side to apply any changes made to a rule.

Allow or Block Youtube Categories

The list of Youtube categories is mostly different from our blocking categories, with a few overlapping (e.g. games). We do not want to add them into our master blocking categories because it will create confusion. We add Youtube category in the blocked or allowed list configuration, which is accepted by most customers.

  • Such youtube categories can be independently set in the allowed list configuration without affecting the master categories. For instance, the customer may choose to block games in general in the master category setting, but add youtube games category to the allowed list to allow youtube game videos.
  • The master category setting will override the youtube category setting in the blocked list. For instance, if the customer chooses to block games in general, the customer may still add youtube games category to the blocked list. It will basically have the same effect.
  • The youtube category in the blocked list can be set independently of the master category setting. For instance, if the customer chooses to NOT block games in general, he can still choose to block youtube games videos only.

To add a URL to the allowed or blocked list, you get to choose by:

  1. This video only
  2. This Youtube Channel
  3. This Youtube Category
  4. Youtube Keywords

Hit "Add" when ready. You will see a confirmation message like this:

Rule Hierarchy

  • The Default Rule is the rule that will be duplicated whenever one creates a new rule.

    The Default Rule is the rule that will be applied when all other rules fail to be applied. 
  • The rule that is listed at the top is the rule that will be applied. If the first rule fails, the next applicable rule in the list will be applied. When all rules fail to apply, the Default Rule will take effect.
  • To change the rule order, click on a rule and select the toggle/move arrow icon that will appear on the right side of the selected rule. The Default Rule's location cannot be toggled.
  • If a rule is disabled, then the next rule (from top of the list) that can match those OUs associated with the disabled one will be used.

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