- Prerequisites
- Tasks Performed by Administrators
- Enabling Teachers to Send Pop-up Messages to Students
- Enabling Teachers Portal to View Students' Live-screens and Take Screenshots
Firewall compatibility:
- Allow access to for both TCP and UDP.
- Allow full access to and all its sub-domains for both TCP and UDP.
- If #2 can't be satisfied by opening all ports, for domains in #2 at least allow outgoing TCP and UDP traffic to port 3478 and 5349, and range 49152 to 65535.
Tasks Performed by Administrators
Enable Classroom Management
Prior to setting up and using Classroom Management, the administrator will need to enable the Classroom Management features for the teachers via the Deledao Admin Console.
The teachers will be able to set up their own classrooms in Deledao’s teacher portal.
Teachers also need to be mapped to students to be able to use this feature. Please see this article on how to map students to teachers.
For an overview of how to configure inside the Teacher Portal, please refer to the article 'Live Classroom - Tasks Performed by Teachers'
Enabling Teachers to Send Pop-up Messages to Students
In Google Workspace, Chrome>Settings, configure the Notifications settings from 'allow these sites to show notifications' to do not allow sites to show desktop notifications'. Then in the enter the chrome extension provided for deployment:
(The Extension URL is the same URL used for Deledao's extension deployment on Chrome devices/OS. To obtain the extension URL, please email"
Enabling Teachers Portal to View Students' Live-screens and Take Screenshots
In Google Workspace, Chrome>Settings, configure the screenshot settings to 'Allow users to take screenshots and video recordings' and 'Allow sites to prompt the user to share a video stream of their screen'.
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