The Dashboard shows statistical data of users browser activity.  Dashboard allows you to view data from the last 24 hours, last 7 days, or the 30 last days.  You can also choose a specific OU to view their reports.

By clicking on a category in the 'Top Block Categories (Count)' or the 'Top Viewed Categories (Hours)' circle graph, you'll be redirected to a report showing the websites visited for that category.  You can also see a report of  the sites visited in a category by clicking on the 'Blocking Trend (Count)' or 'Viewing Trend (Hours)' categories in the bar graphs.  By clicking on a category in the legend of the bar graphs will remove the category from the graph.

You can directly access a website by clicking a URL under 'Hostname' in the 'Top Blocked Sites (Count)' or 'Most Popular Sites'.

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