Alert Investigation
Alerts can be investigated in two ways.
- The Deledao administrators can investigate all alerts in the Deledao admin console.
- The alert-subscribers (teachers or personnel) can investigate the alerts of the delegated OUs in the Deledao teacher portal by signing into the Teacher Portal Sign-in link at using school credentials.
Admin Console Student Wellness
In the Admin Console users are able view alerts by level and individual students.
- The 'Notes' icon shows a log of all entries, flag/unflagging timestamp, case reviewers, and notes regarding the specific student.
- The 'Flag Student' button can be used to flag a student as high risk. Once flagged, any new wellness incident will bump the student into the high risk alert level. A popup window enforces a brief description about this action.
- The 'Spotlight' icon provides a quick overview of the recent activities to assist assessment of the student’s wellness. The red phrases indicate blocked activities.
- The 'Generate Report' button is to generate a PDF report that can be shared with others.
- The 'Mark as Investigated' icon can mark alerts as having been investigated - such alerts will no longer appear in the wellness investigation view. However, if the student of concern has new alerts appear in the future, older alerts can be retrieved by clicking the “Show more” button.
- The 'View Screenshot' icon shows a screenshot of the wellness alert.
- The 'Mark as Irrelevant' icon allows a user to mark an alert as irrelevant, permanently removing alert.
Teacher Portal Student Wellness View
Student Wellness alerts can be generated in the "Reports" tab under Student Wellness. These reports can be filtered by time, risk level, OU, or student ID.
If a website is whitelisted, wellness alerts won't be generated for that website.
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