ActiveInstruct™ Small Groups Video

The "Small Group" feature allows instructors to group students together to apply different site banks, lockdown, and send messages to individual groups during a live classroom.

After clicking "Small Groups" in the top right corner click "Create New Group Arrangement".

There are 2 options to create groups randomly or manually.  

Random Groups

For the random arrangement you can choose the number of students in each group or the number of groups by putting the number in the box and selecting which option is best.

Manually Creating Groups

For manually creating groups, click on the student and drag them to the group you want.

After arranging your groups, choose a name for the groups and click save.  

Applying Group Arrangements

Once the groups have been created, to apply them click "Apply Group Arrangement" and choose the group arrangement to be applied and click OK.

Once the groups have been applied, instructors can apply site banks, send messages and lockdown in the individual groups or by checking the box next to the group and using the options at the bottom of the page.

Editing Small Groups

To edit groups click "Edit Group Arrangement".  Click the pencil icon next to the group you would like to edit or click the trash can icon to delete the group.  After clicking the pencil icon, you will be taken to the edit arrangement pop up, where groups can be edited.  Once all editing is completed, click "Save".

Quickly apply site banks to individual students

  • Select student(s) and select sitebank to apply a different site bank
  • Temporary small groups are automatically created
  • To cancel, click “Ungroup All Students” under “Small Groups”