Under each rule of Policy Manager, an option is provided to configure a custom blocking page URL. It requires:
- The custom blocking page is hosted by customers on their site, instead of Deledao's.
- The following parameters will be appended to the provided blocking page URL and sent by the filter. An example of what is appended to a blocking page URL is:
https://static.deledao.com/default/blockCom.html?site=https://www.google.com/search?q=pacman&oq=pacman&aqs=chrome..69i57j46l2j0j46j0j46j0.1888j0j6&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&category=Games (detected by real-time text analysis)&cname=deledao-test&title=pacman - Google Search&pgroup=school&type=unblock&[email protected]&ou=/&uburl=https://portals.deledao.com/teacher/#/student-signin
The custom blocking page can determine what corresponding info should be presented based their values:
- site: the blocked URL.
- category: the category to which the blocked URL belongs.
- cname: district name (set on admin console).
- title: the title of the blocking page.
- pgroup: either "school" or "classroom" to indicate whether the student is blocked by school or classroom policy.
- vendor: partner name if there is any.
- norc: boolean value to determine whether the link for re-categorization is shown. If the value is true, the re-categorization link is not shown. One common scenario for this is when a blocked site is defined in the blocked list, there is no need to do re-categorization.
- nodwl: boolean value to indicate whether the student has signed in or not.
- allowed: the allowed list for a classroom session to which the student belongs.
Please note not all parameters will be passed in each blocking page request, and it is up to the custom blocking page to determine how the parameters are used to show certain info on the page. In the sample HTML file attached, it has a snippet of Javascript code showing how those parameters are read and used.
There is a set of preserved parameter names in our system which shouldn't be re-defined in the custom blocking page:
- uid
- ou
- liveClass
- uburl
- type
- upgrade